Kazuhisa Komura
楜村 一尚
Kazuhisa Komura studied photography at Kyoto University of Art and Design. He creates artworks placing himself deeply in the nature through fieldworks.
The observing eyes and the way of capturing things rooted in German photography have inspired him. He is also interested in the studies such as ancient and medieval history, folklore, and botany in search of the essence of the photographic subject and the environment surrounding it.
While using nature as a motif, he would like to create a photographic work as an artistic expression by associating the above studies with the complexity of modern society.
Lives and works in Tokushima City, Tokushima Pref., Japan
武蔵大学人文学部社会学科 卒業
四国大学大学院経営情報学部博士前期課程 修了
京都造形芸術大学通信教育部美術科写真コース 卒業
フォトアーキペラゴ写真学校第四期 修了
Musashi University - Tokyo, Bachelor of Sociology
Shikoku University - Tokushima, Master of Management and Information Science
Kyoto University of Art and Design, Bachelor of Arts
Photo Archipelago Photo School - Takamatsu, Completed the 4th class
2013年 東京アートブックフェア 出展
2014年 東京アートブックフェア 出展
2015年 グループ展 メリケンギャラリー(神戸市)
2016年 グループ展 関西お苗場(神戸市)
2019年 瀬戸内アートブックフェア 出展
Group Exhibitions/Art Fairs:
2013 Tokyo Art Book Fair
2014 Tokyo Art Book Fair
2015 Group Exhibition at Meriken Gallery, Kobe
2016 Group Exhibition at Kansai Onaeba, Kobe
2019 Setouchi Art Book Fair
2016年度 京都造形芸術大学美術科写真コース卒業制作 研究室賞 受賞
2016 Laboratory Award of Photography Course (Kyoto University of Art and Design)